Check Your Eligibility – Athlete Id Card

Posted On 28 Apr 2018
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Athlete Card front Athlete Card front

Why Athlete ID card?

– The ‘YouTooCanRun Athlete ID’ card contains vital medical information about you. It is the voice that will speak when you cannot. Do not leave home without it.

– It will also enable you to speed up your registration process.

– On top of that, ‘YouTooCanRun Athlete ID’ cardholders can avail various benefits and discounts with our partners during events.

How do I get it?

– FREE, for those who have registered for more than three events on our registration platform


– At a nominal price of Rs 245/-

Check your options here

Allow 3 weeks for processing

Check Your Eligibility - Athlete Card

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed .

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