MGVM Marathon Milebank

Posted On 17 Nov 2021
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Participants can join us from wherever they are, by running with the stipulated distances, from 15th December 2021 to 30th April 2022. Registration is compulsory, for the participation to be considered valid, and eligible for E-medals and E-certificates.

Process is simple, register yourself through link and deposit your kilometres every day in your running account. Participant with maximum balance in his/her account will be the winner of the event.

Age Gender Price (E-bib,E-Medal and and Leaderboard)
13-17 Male/Female 149 INR + GST
18-34 Male/Female
35-44 Male/Female
45-54 Male/Female
55+ Male/Female

MGVM Marathon Milebank

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed .

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