Swachh Navi Mumbai Half Marathon

Posted On 10 Mar 2022
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Swachh Navi Mumbai Half Marathon is jointly organized by Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation and Lets Celebrate Fitness Trust ...

The vision of Swachh Navi Mumbai Half Marathon is to create awareness on Dry and Wet Waste and Say No to Plastic for a better environment and the funds raised from this event will be used to help students of different colleges to pay their fees for the Final year professional courses

Swachh NAVI MUMBAI Half Marathon is scheduled to be organized on 10th April 2022 and will have 3 race categories – Half Marathon (21 KM), 10 Km Run and 5 Km Run. Half Marathon and 10 Km Run will be Timed Run and 5 Km Run will not be a timed run. Age categories for male & female participants for Half Marathon and 10KM; Open Category, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59,60 and above.

A participants date of birth is 10th April 1992, then the age on race day will be 30 years and will qualify in 30-39 years age group and if the birth date is 11th April 1992, then age on race day will be 29 years and 364 hence will qualify in the Open Category. This will be applicable for every category

Swachh Navi Mumbai Half Marathon

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed .

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