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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India


I am truly indebted to Mr. P. Venkatraman who has guided me throughout this Research project. His recommendations while writing the Paper have been very valuable and the intention has been to provide the reader with as much information as we can.

I thank Radha Krishnaswamy for her keen willingness to review this Research Paper. Radha is a veteran in the field of Fitness with over 20 years of experience. It is gratifying that a person of her caliber and expertise should review this Paper.

I express my deep gratitude to the Directors, Department Heads, Administrative and Faculty Members of the Sports and Fitness Institutes who devoted time to verify information and confirm course details so that accurate and up-to-date information can be provided to the reader. I sincerely thank the following persons for the support and cooperation extended:

Amity School of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Dr. Kalpana Sharma

BFY Sports & Fitness – Mr. Rajeev Goenka

Classic Fitness Group – Dr. Chirag Sethi, Ms. Lagan Rai McPereira

Exercise Science Academy – Ms. Meera H. Doshi

Fit India – Ms. Radha Krishnaswamy

Gayo Fitness Academy – Mr. Dilip Heblé

Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute, India – Ms. Munira Jawadwala Kawad

Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – Dr. Sandeep Tiwari

K11 Fitness Academy – Mr. Kaizzad F. Capadia, Ms. Radha Walavalkar

Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education (LNCPE), Thiruvananthapuram – Dr. Joselet Charles, Mr. Varughese

Laxmibai National University of Physical Education (LNUPE), Gwalior – Maj. (Dr.) S.B. Sharma

Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports (NSNIS), Patiala – Dr. B.S. Dhillon

Primal Patterns Holistic Fitness Studio, Chennai – Mr. Shanker Basu, Mr. Suresh

Punjabi University, Patiala – Dr. N.S. Deol

Reebok India Company – Ms. Vinata Shetty

SPARRC Institute – Mrs. Sujatha Pugazhendhi, Ms. Afroze Sultana

Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University – Dr. R. Subramanian

Talwalkars Fitness Academy – Dr. Selva

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