One Stop Shop

for Everything in Running

Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India


(Profile and Course Details of Fitness Academies and Institutes offering International Certifications. Listed in Alphabetical order )

BFY (Better Fitness For You)


Founded by Mr. Rajeev Goenka in 2000, BFY Sports & Fitness aims to help promote and develop the Sports, Health and Fitness Industry in India. The organization is ably supported by Dr. Ruchira Tendolkar – BFY’s Technical Director, BFY faculty and staff. Since its foundation, BFY has conducted various leading International programs, courses and workshop by experts. It also offers placement services to the industry and to clients looking for certified professionals. BFY has over 3000 students spread across 131 cities India and working in over 500 health clubs.


BFY has multiple International affiliations – American Council on Exercise (ACE -USA), Progressive Fitness-USA, Desert Southwest Fitness (DSW-USA), Saracity Workout (SCW-USA) and Michael King Pilates – UK, Gym Music Germany and Gym Stick Finland. There are over 100 courses offered with options of onsite training or via correspondence, depending on the requirements of the course. BFY has highly qualified and experienced faculty in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Chandigarh.

Year of Establishment:


Number of Instructors certified till date:

3000 +



Contact Details:



Courses/Certifications offered:


BFY Fitness Trainer India (approved by Progressive Fitness USA), Personal Trainer Preparatory Course (for Progressive Fitness, ACE , ACSM exams), Group Fitness Instructor Preparatory Course (for Progressive Fitness, ACE exams), Advanced Certifications in Fitness (such as ACE Advanced Health +Fitness Specialist , ACSM Health & Fitness Specialist) and Michael King Pilates Course.

BFY also offers …

  • DSW Fitness Distance Learning Courses including Personal Training, Group Fitness and a variety of specialized fitness courses. DSW Fitness courses are approved and accepted for continuing education credits/units by professional associations including ACE, ACSM, NSCA and NASM.

  • SCW Home Study Courses including Personal Training, Group Exercise and a variety of Specialty Certificate Courses

  • BFY Medical Nutrition Therapy and Advance Medical Nutrition Courses

  • Workshops such as Functional Training, Weight Management, Training for Special Population and many more.


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