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for Everything in Running

Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India

Course Details:



ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer Preparatory Course:

Certified Personal Trainers develop and implement safe, effective exercise programs to help healthy individuals accomplish their fitness goals.



3 ½ months


Eligibility Criteria:


The student appearing for the ACSM-CPT exam must be atleast 18 years of age

He/She must hold a current CPR Certification


Method of Instruction:

Onsite (in-person)/ Distance Learning



Rs. 35,000 + Service Tax






Dr. Aashish Contractor, Dr. Vishwanath Prabhu, Dr. Kiran Sangani, Dr. Shraddha Khailani Daryiadani, Kinita Kadakia Patel, Dr. Niranjan Pandit , Amogh Pandit




  • Introduction to personal training

  • Advanced anatomy

  • Physiology

  • Advanced client assessment methods (static and dynamic posture)

  • Health and fitness appraisal, lifestyle analysis and stress management

  • Joint assessments, muscle balance and postural correction

  • Advanced flexibility methods

  • Effective communication, developing motivational strategies and working with other professionals

  • Nutritional advice for physical activity including pre/post exercise nutrition, weight management, the glycaemic index and free radicals

  • Special populations including obesity, diabetes, asthma and orthopedic conditions

  • Fitness testing for power, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility

  • Core training, periodisation and program design for strength, power, hypertrophy and aerobic fitness

  • Exercise prescription

  • Personal training outside the gym

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