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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India

Course Details:



ACE Personal Trainer Preparatory Course



84 hours (comprising 6 modules)


Eligibility Criteria:


The participant must be at least 18 years of age

He/She must hold a current adult CPR certificate

He/She must have passed High school & be proficient in English


Method of Instruction:

Onsite (in-person)



Rs. 50,000/-



Chennai, Bangalore (Course to commence in Mumbai & Delhi soon)



Radha Krishnaswamy, Vinata Shetty, Nisha Varma, Geetha Rajendram, Aarti Kilpady Prasad, Sachin Shenoy




The 84 hour course is made up of six modules as follows:

  • Personal Training Profession covers the scope of practice, the roles and responsibilities of the Personal Trainer and the FIT Code of Professional Conduct.

  • Applied Exercise Science includes fundamental knowledge of human movement, including anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology and nutrition.

  • Behavior Change and Client Appraisal explores the PT’s role in encouraging clients to start and stick to exercise programs through client appraisal, communication and motivation.

  • Principles and Methods of Training provides guidelines for cardiovascular, muscular strength and flexibility fitness, principles of exercise programming for each area and physical adaptations to training. Proper form, instruction and spotting techniques are also covered.

  • Program Design and Implementation reviews exercise principles and methods for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating safe and effective exercise programs for healthy adults as well as special populations as well as exercise safety, injury prevention and emergency procedures.

  • Professional Conduct reviews critical issues of professional practice and program administration, business and legal considerations for the personal trainer.

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