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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India



Personal Trainer for Special Population – PT for Special Population Course will help Personal Trainers / Gym Instructors to be better equipped to handle and program exercises for clients with common health problems or injuries such as heart ailments, diabetes, back problems etc. In order to do this PT for Special Population Course, it is advisable to have cleared the K11 Personal Training Course first.


1 month

Eligibility Criteria:


Cleared the K11 Personal Trainer Course


Method of Instruction:

Onsite (in-person)



Rs. 16,000/-



K11 Centres in Mumbai & Pune



Mumbai – Dr. Mansi Ashta & Pune – Dr. Anand Gangwal




  • Orientation on Special Population

  • Orthopedic problems joint-wise…spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle

  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints – fractures, dislocations, injuries of ligaments and muscles specific to each joint, problems relating to abnormal posture affecting the spine and other joints

  • Basic Introduction to common health problems and defining them…Diabetes Mellitus, Hypoglycemia, Heart problems, Hypertension, Low BP, Gout, Obesity, Epileptic seizures, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Gynecological problems, Spinal problems, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis

  • Immediate action and first aid in case of…strains, sprains, spinal injury, muscle tear, dizzy spells, dehydration, epileptic fits, cardiac arrests, first aid maneuver – tying of slings, bandages, immobilizers, applying ice, compression and elevation, technique of carrying the injured person depending on the nature of injury

  • CPR

  • BP Readings with sphygmomanometer




Master Trainer – The K11 Master Trainer Course is the most sought after course by all Personal trainers / Gym instructors who want to take their fitness career to the next level. In order to do this Fitness Master Trainer Course, the applicant is required to have cleared the K11 Personal Training Course first. It is also advisable to clear the K11 Personal Trainer course for Special Populations.



2 months


Eligibility Criteria:


Cleared the K11 Personal Trainer & PT for Special Populations Courses

Method of Instruction:

Onsite (in-person)



Rs. 40,000/-



K11 Centres in Mumbai & Pune



Mr. Kaizzad F. Capadia




4 Theory Lectures & 60 Practical Sessions

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