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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India

Whether you train competitive runs or “fun runs,” the proven techniques outlined in this course will propel your clients to a successful running experience. Learn how to design programs for the novice, intermediate, competitive and elite runners that consistently and significantly improve performance. Written by two experienced runners and coaches, in an easy-to-relate style, you’ll discover how to set up a running-specific training program and improve your client’s running efficiency, even if you’ve never designed a running program before.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify physiological and psychological benefits of running

  • Address safety issues for runners

  • Identify four levels of runners

  • Describe six paces of running

  • Explain three types of distance running workouts

  • Explain four principles of successful training

  • List the five phase of training and design a sample workout for each phase


Marathon Training

Propel your clients using these training techniques for successful marathon performances.

By Greg Wenneborg, MA, Randy Accetta, PhD

Course Objectives:

  • Provide information and strategies to help others successfully train for and complete marathons

  • Recognize reasons people want to train for and complete a marathon

  • Assist clients in choosing an appropriate marathon needs of marathon runners

  • Identify the physical and psychological coaching needs of four general categories of runners

  • Identify proper training and racing paces for each of the four general types of runners

  • Describe how to incorporate the run/walk method for Novices into a marathon-training program

  • Outline the seven key factors of marathon training<

  • Design a complete 16-week marathon training program for each of the four general categories of runners utilizing a periodized program


  1. SCW Fitness Education (

SCW Fitness Education (formerly Sara’s City Workout) was founded by Sara Kooperman, JD in 1987. Since that time they have hosted over 80 MANIA Group Fitness, Personal Training and Club Management Conventions and have touched more than 120,000 fitness professionals.

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