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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India

  • Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.) – 2 years

  • M.Sc. Sports Science – 2 years

Fitness Coaching Education (short-duration, part-time Diploma and Certificate Courses): Short-term courses and certifications generally have duration of 2-4 months and may go upto a year for a more advanced program. The 2 most prominent certifications in this category are Personal Trainer and Group-Fitness Instructor. They are popular career options in Fitness and are generally entry-level certifications requiring no prior knowledge of exercise science. A personal trainer trains a client one-on -one while a group fitness instructor conducts classes for a group of people using different exercise formats. These courses are offered by Indian and International Health Club Chains with in-house Fitness Academies and by organizations that serve as Education Providers for International Certifications like ACE (American Council on Exercise), ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and ISSA (International SportsSciences Association). There are several study options available including part-time, online and home study plans. International Certifications need to be renewed every 2-3 years with a specified number of continuing education credits to be acquired from approved courses for knowledge and skill enhancement.

The following is a list of short-term, part-time fitness courses offered in India. They are listed in alphabetical order and not in any order of importance. This list cannot be considered complete and there may be courses / Institutions that may have escaped our attention. The courses are discussed in greater detail in Appendix A which also includes a brief profile of the Institute and contact information.

Abs Fitness Academy – Abs Fitness Academy runs a Certification Course in Fitness based on ACE and ACSM guidelines.

  • Fitness Certification Course

Better Fitness For You (BFY) – BFY has multiple International affiliations to raise fitness education to global standards. The organization has a pan-India presence with 3000 students spread across 131 cities working in over 500 health clubs. BFY offers over a 100 courses which include:

  • Personal Trainer Preparatory Course (for ACE, ACSM and Progressive Fitness exams)

  • Group Fitness Instructor Preparatory Course (for ACE and Progressive Fitness exams)

  • Advanced Courses in Fitness (ACE – Advanced Health +Fitness Specialist, Health Coach ACSM – Health & Fitness Specialist, Clinical Exercise Specialist, Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist)

  • Desert Southwest Fitness (DSW-USA) and Saracity Workout Distance Learning & Home-study courses

  • Pilates course in association with Michael King Pilates-UK.

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