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for Everything in Running

No Social Media Logins at YouTooCanRun. Why?

Many times we have been told by event organisers that this was an essential feature to have and considered it a shortcoming. ‘Ease of use’ was the argument put forward to us. We have always felt that doing the right thing was more important than doing the popular...
Posted On 30 Apr 2018

Barking up the wrong tree

I live in a building called Arunodaya. In our building we have a letter box which is meant for society cheques as well as for communications / complaints etc with the managing committee. Outside my building are two other buildings, SriRam Apts and Raj Kiran. Both have similar...
Posted On 09 Sep 2015

Three Phases of a Runner

Social media and other forums receive comments ranging across the board. As the runner progresses in his running life, viewpoints and expectations change over  period of time. I am weaving such changes into other aspects of life which we will easily recognise. So the next time...
Posted On 13 Apr 2015