One Stop Shop

for Everything in Running

Which Shoe?

Which Shoe?

For most new runners the issue of which shoe to buy is a perplexing one. There are a bewildering range of options that the new runner faces. And if he asks questions in running forums all shades of opinions fly at him. When he steps into the shoe store in his neighbourhood the salesman is trained to sell him the most expensive one. A school of thought that the shoe manufacture would like him to believe. Costlier is better. And if it requires an EMI plan then even better

The reality however is far from this.

I have been a runner for more than 10 years now. And for the first 5 or 6 years I was following this principle. My balcony was a veritable shoe museum of the best imported shoes.

But in the due course of time and especially after reading ‘Born to Run’ my thinking started going towards minimals.

I first went into a Nike Free which is a minimal, then I got a Bata North Star. My next one was a pair of Vibrams.

Today I run in any shoe that I fancy in the morning.

Over the years my readings have led me to believe that it does not really matter what shoe your wear. What matters is how well your foot is trained.

I strongly feel that runners must be educated to make appropriate choices of running shoes.

On Saturday 16th, I will bringing my shoes in a ‘show and tell’ explaining what each shoe type is and also explaining the logic of choosing different type of shoes. You will get a chance to ask questions to me and then decide what is the most appropriate shoe type for you.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make the single most important decision for SCMM 2014

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