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Support Michelle Kakade

With the run well underway, many runners and others are willingly coming forward to help her complete the challenge. We are often asked what the several ways in which one can help. Here is a gist of indicative areas where help can be offered.

Run with Michelle: There is nothing more daunting than being a single female and running all alone. Like many hands make light work, many feet help burn the kilometers. Her route is here. And her schedule ( subject to changes ) is here. Choose a convenient part of the run and offer to run with her, here.

Accommodation: Hotel rooms for her is a big part of the event budget. She and the crew ( total 7 ) definitely need decent rooms to stay and rest. Please suggest good hotels en-route. Discounts or free-stays most welcome. You can fill the form here so that the data we have is structured for better management.

Meals: After her room expenses, the next big item is her meals. You can host her for a lunch or dinner assuming that the venue is not too far away from the route. Please let us know about your generosity here.

Be active on Social Media: Spreading the word on social media will help her to reach out to more folks and inspire them to take up running for their own good health.
Please like her Facebook page: The Queen Of Endurance
Offer your support at the group to support her at: Support Michelle Kakade
Follow her and Retweet on: @MichelleKakade

Run with Michelle 5K: Enron ( and encourage others to enroll ) and participate in the Run With Michelle – 5K run at major cities along the route. To know more visit Run with Michelle 5K

Press / Media Publicity: If you are connected with the Press or Media, it would be nice if the event is covered. Besides being documentary proof for Guinness the publicity will also help her spread the message of fitness by inspiring the readers.

Sponsorship opportunities: Besides the main event ‘The Great India Quadrilateral Run’ there are going to be 15 cities with ‘Run with Michelle – 5K’ . Each of these events provide opportunities for sponsorship at various levels. Title sponsorship, Presenting sponsorship, Catering sponsor etc are all different opportunities at each such event.  Write to us here.

Sign her Log book as an independent witness:  Guinness needs that each day’s log book be signed by two independent witnesses, ideally magistrates, police officers etc. Help her with such connections in the locality she is passing through.

Crowdfunding options: Visit her crowdfunding page and contribute as you feel suitable.

For any further details please contact us.

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