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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India

Gayo Fitness Academy


With over 35 years of experience in Fitness, Dilip Heble formally founded Gayo in 1997, originally, as a fitness club management and consultancy service. Gayo Fitness now channels its energies towards professional education in Fitness, Nutrition and related areas including First Aid and CPR.

Gayo Fitness is ISSA’s sole authorized Enrolments & Training Office for India and South Asia. The International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) is a distance education College established in 1988. ISSA has provided home study based as well as online personal training certification programs and continuing education to over 190,000 satisfied fitness professionals in nearly 90 countries worldwide.ISSA is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), which is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency, and is a recognized member of the Council for Higher EducationAccreditation (CHEA).

Gayo is Pilates Institute of America’s sole representative and training office for India and Asia and Community Health Education Services’ training site in India.


Year of Establishment:


Number of Instructors certified till date:

9,750 (all programs / disciplines, as on April 1, 2013)


Contact Persons:

Dilip Heble – CEO & Founder

Contact Details:

Courses/Certifications offered:


Gayo offers several pathways to professional education and certification leading to successful fitness careers –

  • Seven specialist courses offered by International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) in personal training, sports & strength conditioning, youth fitness (kids aged 6 to 15), old adults (aged 55 and above), exercise therapy (med rehab through exercise), sports nutrition and fitness nutrition.

  • Programs offered by Pilates Institute of America (PIA) in Mat Pilates, Pilates on the Ball, Pilates on Reformer and Cadillac, Pilates with small equipment.

  • American Heart Association’s (AHA) HEARTSAVER and BLS First Aid and CPR programs though AHA training center, Community Health Education Services (CHES).

  • GayoYoga is a specialized sports-specific Yoga program designed by Gayo Fitness Academy.

  • GayoSPORT is a series of programs developed by Gayo Fitness Academy to enhance sports performance though Plyometrics, Functional Strength Training, Power Training, etc – programs that can also be applied by a personal trainer in General Fitness.

  • 100TEP is an ISSA approved theory and practical training program to support the seven ISSA “correspondence” courses; conducted in 18 cities across India.

ISSA Courses: Certified Fitness Trainer, Certified Exercise Therapist, Specialist in Sports Conditioning, Specialist in Sports Nutrition, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Specialist in Fitness for Older Adults, Youth Fitness Trainer.

Elite Trainer Certification I (combines Fitness Trainer, Fitness Nutrition & Exercise Therapist Certifications)

Elite Trainer Certification II (combines Senior Fitness, Youth Fitness & Strength & Conditioning Certifications)

Master Trainer (Combines Elite Trainer Certifications I & II)

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