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Sweat Rate Study

Table 1: Demographic details of study subjects

Parameters Mean±SD
Gender Ratio 7 females/139 males
Age 40±9.1 years
Height 168.9±9.7
Weight before start of run 71.6±9.8
Distance Run during 1 hour 9.4±3.1 kms
Longest Run 26.9±13.1 kms
Running per week 5.0±3.4 kms

Table 2: Comparison of sweat rates among runners based on literature review

Study Study population n Mean training  Experimental set-up Distance run during experiment(kms) Duration of run during experiment(mins) Mean sweat rate(litres or kg per hour)
Millard-Stafford et al [14] (1995) Highly trained runners 12   Simulated 40 km race in lab 40 173-183 1.7
Godek et al (2005) Cross country runners 5 52 miles/week Two bouts every day of 60 mins each around a playground at 23°-24° C and 40-70% humidity NA NA 1.7
Henkin et al ] (2010) Endurance runners 10 92 km/week Cycling on friction-braked ergometer for 30 mins at 32° C and 40% humidity NA NA 1.5
Current study Amateur, non-elite runners 146 5 km/week On road at 27.2° C and 70% humidity 9.3 km 60 1.4

n – number of study subjects, NA – data not available

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