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Indian Runners in Comrades UltraMarathon

Fellow Runners,
As most of you probably know, tomorrow Sunday June 3rd, is the 89 kms Comrades UltraMarathon. Here is quick update on the event and how to track those runners whose progress you wish to monitor.

The event has grown in popularity over the last 3 years ever since Amit Sheth was appointed the Indian Ambassador to the event. This year it is reported that there are 32 or so runners.

The website of the event facilitates the live tracking of 5 runners at one time. By opening multiple browsers ( Chrome, Firefox and IE ) one can track more than 5 at one time. Talk of Desi Jugaad :-)

In order to track the runners you need to know the Bib nos and here is the list that I have been able to collect so far. I do not know if there are any more.

RaceNo Name


  1. 46886 Vivek Ahlawat
  2. 12385 Devashish Chakravarty
  3. 48177 Aparna Choudhary
  4. 45038 Ramani Easwaran
  5. 12137 Pradeep Kadu
  6. 14502 Vaijanath Kamthewad
  7. 31366 Kaustubh Kesarkar
  8. 45319 Ajit Shripad Oak
  9. 42025 Kalpesh Patel
  10. 39932 Anand Patil
  11. 20976 Dilip Patil
  12. 32446 Abhijit Pradhan
  13. 36685 Vivek Prasad
  14. 12907 Roshni Rai
  15. 56873 Samson Sequeira
  16. 49525 Nayan Shah
  17. 21548 Amit Sheth
  18. 33374 Neepa Sheth
  19. 52564 Alok Shukla
  20. 12332 Vineeta Singh
  21. 39042 Smrithi Talwar
  22. 52495 Lihas Trived
  23. 58806 Daniel Carroll
  24. 29384 Satheesha Gujaran
  25. 21264 Tanvir Kazmi
  26. 29387 Shahid Mansoor
  27. 38537 Nagesh Rao
  28. 38875 Dalal Sanjay
  29. 29408 Rahul Verghese
  30. 20963 Ramdas
  31. 47083 Ram
  32. 30740 Balaji


In order to track the runners of your choice the link to follow is
There is also a live video feed but my experience of the last two years was that it was quite spotty. I preferred to turn it off. Also it required one to download and  install the Silverfish player from Microsoft. If am not sure if things have changed this year.

The race starts at 5:30 am SA time and we are 3:30 hours ahead of them. So for us it will start at 9 am. Very convenient since it will be just right after we had a fresh shower after our Sunday long run :-)

But the runners can be tracked only when they cross the 1st cut off point. The various cut off points from where the tracking can start is as under:
1st cut-off,  9 km. cut-off time 1:40 hrs.


2nd  cut-off, Cato Rridge 32 km. cut-off time 5:10 hrs


3rd cut-off, Drummand/Half way cut-off time 6:10 hrs


4th cut-off, Winston Parl, 60 km. cut off time 8:30 hrs.


5th cut-off, John’s Avenue 68 km. cut-off time 9:45 hrs.


Last cut-off, 45th Cutting 83 km. cut-off time 11:20 hrs.



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