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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India


A Study has been conducted on education opportunities available in India to qualify as a Running or Fitness Coach.

The purpose of this Study is threefold:

  1. To identify and list Courses and Certifications currently available in India which enable specialization as a Coach in Running or Fitness

  2. To enable runners and fitness enthusiasts make a studied choice when choosing a coach for themselves

  3. To enable potential coaches and physical fitness instructors choose an appropriate course for their academic progress

Methodology – The process of writing this research paper involved 4 major steps:

  1. Data Collection: Information pertaining to Running and Fitness Coaching programs was obtained from the Internet and primarily from the official websites of the Sports and Fitness Institutes.

  2. Data Verification: An information template was prepared for the Institutes and e-mailed to them for confirmation of courses and contact information.

  3. Putting it together: On verification, information templates of the Institutes were updated and incorporated in the final report. In the case of Institutes offering Sports Coaching and Physical Education courses, which are full-time courses of duration 1 year or more, the reader is referred to the official website of the Institute for viewing detailed course content of the programs listed in this Research Paper.

  4. Peer review: The Final Report was then submitted to a Peer for review. The Peer Reviewer for this Research Paper is Radha Krishnaswamy; a fitness industry veteran who is a Certified Reebok Master Trainer and has many International Certifications to her credit – ACE, ACSM and NSCA. She has over 20 years of diverse experience in the field which includes group exercise, personal training, gym management, fitness education and training for new and existing fitness instructors.

Keywords: fitness education in India, running coaching education in India, sports coaching courses in India

N.B. Institutes offering ‘Sports Coaching’ and ‘Physical Education’ Programs issue Admission notifications in the months of April and May. Sports Coaching, Physical Education and Fitness Courses listed in this paper may be changed and new courses, certifications added according to the discretion of the Institutes. The institute websites are to be visited for all details pertaining to the courses, eligibility criteria, fees, admissions, and related procedures.

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