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Running and Fitness Coaching Education in India


Choosing a Running &Fitness Coach: Newbies, experienced runners and fitness enthusiasts – everyone can benefit from engaging the services of a coach. Some of the benefits of training with coaches include:

  • personalized attention and training plans according to fitness levels, desired goals and personal schedules

  • expert guidance on ‘form and technique’ in exercise and running

  • prevention and reduction of injuries with proper training methods

  • guidance on appropriate sports gear, nutrition and hydration

  • motivational training to reach true potential of an individual

Important factors in coach selection are:

  • education credentials

  • experience

  • comfort level and communication

Educational qualifications of the coach reflect a certain level of competency and state precisely the areas of expertise. They are also the cornerstone for all future development and growth. The courses that a student can select to certify himself or herself as sports or fitness coach, can be grouped into 2 broad categories:

  1. Full-time, long duration Degree and Diploma Courses

  2. Part-time, short duration Diploma and Certificate Courses

Full-time, long duration Degree/Diploma Courses in Physical Education and Sports Coaching: Physical Education courses are conducted by colleges of physical education and sports sciences or by the department of physical education of a University. They are generally full-time, onsite, in-person programs ranging from 1 to 4 years duration and cover a wide array of sports and exercise science topics with the aim to produce competent Physical Education teachers and Coaches for fitness, games and sports. These Degree Programs are available at graduate (after 10+2) and post-graduate levels in several cities across India.

In India, Bachelor of Physical Education Degree is known as B.P.Ed. or B.P.E. and there are 2 Levels at which this degree is offered. Some Indian Institutes offer a 1 year B.P.Ed., which can be pursued only after graduation, while some Institutes offer 3–4 years of B.P.E. which requires 10+2 as the eligibility criteria. The 4 year program after 10+2 may also be termed as an Integrated B.P.Ed. Master of Physical Education is a post-graduate academic Master Degree awarded in the discipline of Physical Education. It is abbreviated as M.P.Ed. or M.P.E. The Masters Degree in Physical Education course includes practical skill proficiency in Athletics and other sports, officiating in major games and advanced lessons in coaching for athletics or chosen sport. Many of the Physical Education Institutes also offer M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs which are advanced programs and more Research-oriented.

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