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Vaseline on our nipples – 8

Vaseline on our nipples – 8 ( Posted on Feb 5, 2004 )


It is a variation round every day in the morning.

After the Marine Drive stint on Sunday….it was a relaxed simple exercises on Monday.

On Tuesday it was abdomens and back. We were all told to get our mats to roll out on the grass for these exercises.

Wednesday we moved to MT Mary in Bandra. Specifically the lane from the Church to the sea face road.

We ran up the steep slopes for about 10 times. It was the most exhausting day.

Today, Thursday was again relaxed. But Ajay got some small traffic cones. They were placed in an order and two teams formed and running in relay race type with some element of good fun and competition. Lots of laughs too. Relaxed but still exercise woven in with a element of games.

Tommorrow Friday is MMRDA behind drive in on the Bandra Kurla link road. I am told that with 1 Km sprints it will be fun and will seperate the men from the boys.

Sujatha Shetty ( the dentist ) and her family are also now roped in and will join us from tomorrow.

I asked someone how much variations are there. I was told that there will be no repetition for over 3 months.


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