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YouTooCanRun – Shares S1EP12: Diet, Immunity and Women

It does not get any closer than this.

In this episode, a Covid-19 special, to honour those fighting in the lockdown, we get 2 ladies with first hand accounts of their own experiences of being positive and emerging stronger.

An amalgamation of knowledge and experience brought to you in this episode of why being healthy, positive and boosting immunity for women is of utmost inorganic for women during these testing times. If the woman of the house is healthy, she will ensure that the family members are so too!

The following are the shownotes of the webinar.

Introduction of the Webinar by P. Venkatraman (00:55)

P. Venkatraman speaks about the Sanman Run (02:05)

Here is a video, where are panelist discuss Food Training and Immunity in our earlier webinar
YouTooCanRun Shares Ep 6 –

P. Venkatraman talks about being able to give the first cheque of Rs 10,000/- to the widow of a Covid Martyr from the Police last Saturday. See the Facebook post here – (02:45)

Introduction of the panelist (04:10)

Dr. Alka Walavalkar –

Dr. Anjali Bhojane –

Radha Agarwal –
En Forme –

Question by P. Venkatraman – What are the comorbidities of Covid19? (08:00)
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers
Radha Agarwal Answers
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Poll on – Are you suffering from any of these comorbidities? (17:50)

Overweight – 3
heart Disease -3
Diabetes -1
Blood Pressure – 3
No, I am fit – 2
Anameic – 0
Tuberculosis – 0

Question by P. Venkatraman – What are the dos and donts of Diet and Immunity? (21:50)
Radha Agarwal Answers
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Dr. Anjali Bhojane – Things to take care off, when you are Covid19 Positive? (32:20)
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers
Radha Agarwal Answers

Poll on – What are the changes do you need do to improve your immunity? (50:40)
Eat better – 4
Improve sleep – 5
Mild exercise – 4
Meditation – 5
others – 0

Question by P. Venkatraman – What should women do to improve immunity? (54:10)
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Radha Agarwal – On processed food vs fresh cooked food? (1:01:50)
Radha Agarwal Answers

Question by Rekha Pulapaka – Should we take zinc, vitamin C & vitamin D tablet during Covid19? (1:06:33)
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman – On Overdosing of Vitamins? (1:08:40)
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Here is a video for you to address – Indoor Running (1:15:00)

Question by Amit Yadav – On relapse situation of Covid19? (1:16:05)
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Radha Agarwal – On Plasma Donation? (1:18:20)
Radha Agarwal Answers
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Question by Naresh Motta – Can we eat laddoo, will this be considered as stale food? (1:22:10)
Dr. Anjali Bhojane Answers

Question by Primla Hingorani – What are the precautions to be taken by women after 75 years of age? (1:25:00)
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Question by Anil Panchal – What if you are already taking Vitamin D once a month… Do we still need to repeat 8 weeks course? (1:26:20)
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

Question by Suvarna Joshi – What about having kadha everyday? How many months? (1:30:00)
Radha Agarwal Answers
Dr. Alka Walavalkar Answers

P. Venkatraman thanks the panelist (1:33:20)

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