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Vaseline on Your Nipples – 1

Vaseline on Your Nipples – 1 ( date Jan 17th, 2004 )
With the start of the New Year, restoration of better health became a Resolution for me….as I am sure it may have been for many of you.
I decided to do something more concrete than being merely a wishful pine.
I decided to take part in the Mumbai Marathon which is on 15th Feb.
I asked around the Kalina Friends group and found that there were no takers willing to join with me. I decided to go it alone. Got the forms and filled it up. For the Dream Run section which is 7 kms.
That was the easy part.
Next came the actual part of preparing and running for it. This is where the rubber met the road……and soon started becoming ‘puncture’. The first day at the Gym I did about 4 KMs on the treadmill. ‘Hey’, I said, ‘I could easily scale it up to 7 in no time at all’.
The next day I was tired and gave it a miss. The day after that I lost my mental perseverance after about 3 Kms…’Never mind’ I said, ‘ I will pick up’.
Sadly little did I know that 90% of a marathon is mental fortitude and 10% is physical endurance.
I asked around the Gym to see if there were any others from the MIG club going to be running. I was quickly plugged into a group.  Called Top Gear.
That was the best thing that happened to me. My mental resilience zoomed knowing that there are folks much older than me who are also preparing for it.
Go for it boy… Chuggi might like to say.
Takatak….as Willy might add.
But Chini is still wondering what does this email have to do with the subject matter on hand. Wait for my next post.
— P. Venkatraman

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