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Vaseline on your nipples – 11 and last

Vaseline on your nipples – 11 and last ( Posted on Feb 16, 2004 )
Dear friends,

Many thanks to all who sent emails, SMSs and also the phone calls. Your good wishes were very encouraging and Usha and Vivek also join me in thanking you all.
The morning started at 5.30 am with the alarm. The previous evening we had kept everything ready. Bibs were pinned on T Shirts and the other small things that needed to be done to see that the morning is not spoilt due to lack of preparation.
We hit the sack at about 9 pm so that we have enough rest. Dinner was had at about 7 pm and it was fully loaded with Carbs. When Willy called me up at about 10 pm I was already in the land of Nod.

At last, I after writing so much about it, I put Vaseline on my nipples. And armpits. Groins, fingers of the feet all received a liberal application. We were out at 6.30 am, took a Rick to Bandra East where about 22 members of Top Gear met. Took the 7:10 am train to VT…ooops CST. Checked in the baggage, did stretching exercises, last minute tips etc.
Earlier about 8 of our team had already left to be there at 7 am for the 21 Km run.
The gun was fired at about 9.45 am and by the time I got to the starting line it was about 5 minutes later.
I finished the race in 1:03 hours. My own target was about 1:30 to 1:15 based on my previous levels of training. I could have done it in even lesser time but for two constraints. One was the hordes all sauntering along the path with no intention of running. It was difficult to try running with people walking in front of you. Secondly at the water stations there was a puddle of water along with bottle caps and bottles themselves strewn along the road. Both the bottles and their caps acquired a tendency to hydroplane on the surface of the water. I did not want to land on my bottom and suffer injuries unrelated to running and had to slow down.
Usha did it in 1:04 and Vivek did it in about 0:50
I could have run another 7 Kms with the energy that was left in me. I overestimated the effort for 7 kms and underestimated my own capability.
Anyway 21 kms here I come next year.
Many thanks once again.

P. Venkatraman

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