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Vaseline on your nipples – 10

Vaseline on your nipples – 10 ( Posted on Feb 13, 2004 )
My race is two days away. Myself, Usha and Vivek have got our bibs collected. Our nos are 21120, 21276 and 18120 respectively. Watchout for us on ESPN.
I have not been able to really put myself in top form. My old knee problem is acting up. Plus I keep getting shin splits, probably due to my weight. As of now it looks like I might do a 50:50 walking and running. I have personally set a target time of 1.30 hours to complete 7 kms.
The last hectic workout was on Wednesday. The last 3 days are stretching and mental preparation days. Plus time for the body to recoup and gain original strength.
Thanks to everyone for the warm wishes.
Bye for now,

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