One Stop Shop

for Everything in Running

RACES and Charities

Our RACES platform is made available for on an at-cost basis for charitable causes. We do not have any rules for what is defined as ‘charitable’ but basically if someone makes a sincere appeal and it strikes a sympathetic chord in our hearts we extend the facility.

Some of the uses of this feature have been for

– Annual dinner bash for Mumbai Road Runners
– TOBAFA runs of Kripa Sagar
– Treks organised by Navi Mumbai Runners and Purnendu Nath
– The 10000 K run of Raj Vadgama
– GoBelur and other Go series runs conducted by Ajay Reddy under the aegis of UNESCO
– Run for Ajay cause supported by Sudarshan.L Singh
– Auroville Marathon

Also additionally if a run has a charity component then we charge only the Payment Gateway charges of 3% on the donation amount. Our regular fees are restricted only to the normal Race registration charges.

Our philosophy is to facilitate and not benefit from altruistic acts of others.

Our Standard of service is consistent across all clients. Everyone gets unlimited smses, emails, support, query resolution, reporting etc that goes on the backend for any such event.

This stems from our principle that no client of ours must get second class treatment. Charitable or regular. Anyone who walks into our door is valued, respected and serviced in equal measure.

Sometimes we get feedback from some of you, with best intentions, no doubt that some events are not worthy of support. While we respect your point of view, we cannot stand in judgement of every single charitable act that we support. As an infrastructure provider we cannot play favorites. We cannot let personal prejudices prevail over our service motto. We cannot ensure end use of funds. We cannot probe personal enrichment. We realise that some may take advantage of our good nature. But for a small aberration, we cannot hinder thousands of good work that can get done.

If such things happen, we feel that we should leave it to their own conscience and to their sense of accountability when they meet their Maker.


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