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The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop

One of the initiatives of YouTooCanRun for promoting running is organizing running and training workshops, and to support this initiative we had organized a training workshop in Satara. The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Mrathon 2015 Training Workshop.

P. Venkatraman’s take on the workshop

Very happy to have organised the first Runners Workshop at Satara aimed at getting non runners in Satara to start running. Did conceptualizing of the event content and faculty with full support of the Satara Hill Marathon team.

Started from Mumbai on Saturday afternoon after a lunch at home with Praful Uchil and Gayatri Vyas Thakoor. Picked up Deepak Londhe on the way and reached Satara in time for dinner. Was received with a floral bouquet at the hotel. Then next morning ran a pleasant 10K with Praful and Deepak, while Gayatri caught up on her beauty sleep!

The 3 sessions were:

  1. Sofa to 5K by me talking over my own story and motivating others to take up running.
  2. Deepak and Praful touched upon basics of training for beginners in a very ‘show and tell’ practical manner.
  3. Dr Gayatri went over the basics of nutrition and stressed that the simple back-to-basics approach works best.


The inauguration was done by Principal Gaikwad, third from right with light blue shirt, who besides being the head of the institution is also a sub 2 hour Half Marathoner.

A surprise addition to the program was Kamlesh ( first from right ) who narrated the story of his recovery from Cardiac bypass surgery and the small role that I played in mentoring him back to recovery and active lifestyle again.

All in all a very memorable weekend, well spent to the cause of promoting running for good health.


What Mr. Kate had to say about The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop

The PNB MetLife Satara Hill Half Marathon 2015 Training Workshop organised today at Y.C Science College Auditorium, was a rocking success.
The large hall was packed to capacity with running enthusiasts.
The expert panel of P.Venkat from Youtoocanrun, Deepak Londe and Praful Uchil from Striders and Dr Gayatri Thakoor from Mumbai gave very useful and relevant information , and answered a lot of queries from the audience.
Many participants registered on the spot and resolved to run in the first long distance running event of their life !!!


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