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YouTooCanRun-Shares: S1EP5: Back On The Road

YouTooCanRun is pleased to bring to the Running Community, a webinar that is meant to answer the difficult questions of the current times.

What will it cover?

– Steps to take before resuming road-running
– Evaluation needed to be done
– Precautions to be taken

What are the things that runners must think about once lockdown lifts and they come back to running on the road?

Find out in this webinar discussion!

Welcome note (0:00)

Panelist Introduction (1:02)
Dr. Rajani Patil (2:31)
Mr. Deepak Raj (2:43)

Dr. Rajani Patil presenting her PPT (7:40)
Factors that affect you – What have you been doing in lockdown? (8:08)
Running inside variables (11:04)
Steps to take (14:49)
Plan with your coach (15:04)
Previous injury – lurking injury considerations (18:18)
Avoid new running formats (18:46)
Evaluation (19:30)
Precautions (21:20)

Mr. Deepak Raj presenting his PPT (26:14)
Last few days of lockdown (26:20)
Rest more/ break (27:02)
Work on core, flexibility, and workouts to stay in shape (27:20)
Key points to keep in mind while restarting your run training (29:19)
Week 1 – Outline and guidance (33:36)
Week 2 – Training guidance (37:41)
Keys points to take care while you have started your first few runs (39:10)
Do not get injured during lockdown (41:19)

Questions from the participants:

John Danial asks – How to do hill training during lockdown? (43:06)
Mr. Deepak Raj’s answer (43:15)

Anjali Agarwal asks – Lung capacity to be seriously looked into as one of the major criteria for avoiding injuries (44:46)
Dr. Rajani Patil’s answer (45:19)

Runners Sinaji asks – What should be an Ideal training for gait reset?
Mr. Deepak Raj’s answer (47:12)

Shiv Iyar asks – Is Cycling better than running? (49:10)
Mr. Deepak Raj’s answer (49:16)

Vivek Soni asks – Will running indoor once a week and doing mobility plus strength training for remaining days is good? (51:36)
Dr. Rajani Patil’s answer (51:47)

Kavin asks – Brisk walking during lockdown. Will this affect the gait? (52:36)
Dr. Rajani Patil’s answer (52:42)

John Danial asks – What are the chances of injury running on concrete surfaces? Also in stair climbing should I walk during coming down or should I run down at the same pace as I went up? (53:15)
Dr. Rajani Patil’s answer (53:30)

Varun Thakur asks – Running wearing mask post lockdown. What are your views? (55:28)
Mr. Deepak Raj’s answer (55:42)

How to maintain distance when on the road? (56:55)
Mr. Deepak Raj’s answer (57:08)

Concluding remark by P. Venkatraman (59:59)

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