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Psychological Rehab – Post Injury For Runners

The topics that we present at The India Running Summit often come out of my own inquisitiveness to learn in depth about certain issues that I encounter as a trainer and as a runner.
My training with Cardiac patients as part of Zippers Club has thrown one challenge. Some of the trainees train well and progress rapidly. Others do not.
There are runners who have stopped training after a moderate sports injury, while quite a few have just sprung back to an active lifestyle.
Most orthos, physios and cardiac rehabs only rehab at a physiological level. The sports psychology aspect of ‘rehab’ing an injured individual is neglected.
Keerthana Swaminathan is a graduate of the Loughborough University in the UK which is one of the world’s most leading academic institutions in the area of Sports Psychology.
Varadayini Chitale is her senior and after graduating has been practising sports psychology in Pune for some years now.
The India Running Summit, which is in its fourth edition offers compelling content for the geeky runner. In-depth and Credible views from the most reputed panel of speakers.

You can Register for the event which is on 14th Jan 2016, the Saturday preceding the SCMM at…/…/the-india-running-summit-2017/

The showreel of the 2016 event is here


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