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The Spirit of Valentine at YouTooCanRun

Valentine’s Day is all about showing love and compassion, and at YouTooCanRun we show that in many ways.


Our CEO and Founder Mr Venkatraman Pichumani always likes to pace the three-hour bus. He often says it is about enabling the runner to experience the thrill of his first sub-three-hour Half Marathon finish. It is being able to do something for those who are not as capable as you; the underdogs to a certain degree.


Mr Venkatraman Pichumani follows a Vegan lifestyleIt is about giving a voice to those who do not have a voice and comes out of an ability to show compassion to creatures less fortunate than us.

Athlete ID Card

The YouTooCanRun Athlete ID card is the voice that speaks when in a medical condition you can’t have a voice. On top of this, it is also the voice that speaks to protect your loved ones. If you’re in an emergency, it speaks on your behalf and reaches your loved ones who are waiting for you. It is only when you have love and compassion as an individual and also as a corporate, can you extend that love and compassion to the others in your immediate circle.

Happy Valentine’s Day to the runners of India!

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