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#AskYourRaceDirector – IAAF, AFI and AIMS – A Primer – 1

IAAF, AFI and AIMS – A Primer – 1
Most often runners do not know enough about the role of these organisations and assume that if those labels are used, the event should be of a higher standard.
Most of the times, use of these organisation labels only means that they are marketing measures and do not imply faultless execution.
Here is on
IAAF ( International Association of Athletics Federation ), now rebranded as World Athletics. was founded in 1912 and is the world’s premier body that oversees the conduct of athletics ( including road races viz the marathons that you and I run ) on an international level. They are the apex body that is formed of the representatives of national level athletics associations.
AFI ( Athletics Federation of India ) is a private society registered to promote the conduct of athletics in India. It has a three tier structure wherein it has state level federations under it which in turn have district level federations. AFI is a member of IAAF.
AIMS ( Associations of International Marathons and Distance Races ) is a organization of organisers of long distance road races ( Marathons and similar ) and is an independent body. About 400 races are members of AIMS. It is the running event that has to be the member of AIMS, represented often by its Race Director.
AIMS works together with IAAF for measuring the accuracy of course distance and the course measurement is carried out by a common talent pool of certified course measurers who are trained to measure race routes using the Jones counter calibrated cycle method.
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