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S.W.E.A.T – Bangalore records a new high


I was in Bangalore yesterday the Sunday 13th of May to carry out the Sweat Rate study. This study was done along with Runners for Life (  )  as part of the fortnightly runs they organise.

Sunday morning saw me set the alarm at 2:45. But when you are anxious for something to happen properly, you tend to wake up even before the alarm rings for you. My sleep broke and when I peered at the time it was 2:40 am. Even through I had hit the bed at 11 pm after a tiring Saturday, I was fresh with the spirit of the challenge. The coffee arrived at 3am and I was picked up by Raj from Runners for Life team at 3:30 am sharp. We picked up Ashwin Bala and reached teh RFL office where Arvind Bharati also joined us. The three dogs outside their office took a liking to all of us and did not hesitate to keep brushing at our legs demanding constant attention ,like little children. We soon loaded the truck with the logistics needed to support the run and were off.

The run was at a location called Kanakpura some 20 kms out of the city. We reached there in time and set up the arrangements. Both for the run and for the Sweat Rate study.

Soon the runners started filling in. T K Sudhir was one of the first. And what an amazing story he is. Weighing some 102 kgs some 10 months back, he was taking about 10 tablets a day to keep his lifestyle risk factors in a desirable range. I jokingly asked him if he also had his meals then. Feeling fed up he took up running and today has shed some 30 kgs to check in at 72 kgs and simultaneously done away with all the tablets. For me, personally, it is stories such as Sudhir’s that are so inspiring. And motivating so that one feels energised to do good for the running community through studies such as the Sweat Rate study.

Soon about 21 runners filled in, went through the protocol and took part in the study.

While the runners were all out there, I and Ashwin Bala got an opportunity to walk up to the lake and take in its amazing beauty. With such a lovely scenic surroundings, I really missed that I could not enjoy a run myself.

There were folks fishing in the lake there and it  is said that fishermen get excited about a big catch. I now get excited about recording a new high sweat rate. We recorded a runner with 2.8 ltrs per hour.

In case you are missing the point, we are doing groundbreaking scientific discoveries here. For the cause of promoting recreational running.

After the run Arvind Bharati of RFL shared his views with us and has promised to extend support to all such studies that will go to benefit Indian runners.

We thank Runners for Life for supporting the study. It means a lot to us.


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2 comments on “S.W.E.A.T – Bangalore records a new high

  1. IT was great having you over Venkat and looking forward to more scientific studies done in India for running in particular and physical
    exercises in general!

    • youtoocanrun on said:

      Thanks for the nice comments. It was pleasure for me also to be there with the RFL and thanks a lot for the support for future initiatives. Yes, now that I have divested myself of the company that I was a founder director in, with more time on my hands, I intend to pursue my passion….which is running.
      I am also happy that I have a good working relationship with Dr Contractor and Asian Heart and thus have the necessary medical back up for more studies in future

      And yes, many norms that we follow are based on western studies and I am not saying that they are wrong. Only that we need to validate that in Indian conditions. The Sweat Rate is already proving to be a breakthrough study, with us regularly recording high levels that Western studies have not reported.

      P. Venkatraman

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