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SD does 21 – A bloodied face

Published on Jan 13th, 2012


Murphy struck today.

SD and all of us were on a short 4 km run from MIG to BKC and back. Very easy pace. It was dark when we were coming back when about 50 mtrs before getting into MIG his feet struck a unintended speed breaker ( lump of tar ).

He went hurtling face forward. He landed on his knees and face. Shaken, stirred and trembling we picked him up and walked him to the Men’s room in the club. He was bleeding quite a bit. And being on 75 mg of Ecosprin ( anti coagulant ) did not help either. We washed both his knees and his face.

On cleaning up the following emerged

– His knees had received surface abrasions and the blood coagulated soon.

– His face received two rather deep gashes. One on his right cheekbone close to his eye and another on the right nostril. Being rather deeper they took a longer time to settle down and stop bleeding.

Dettol, cotton, soframycin, tape and bandaids were all bought into play and administered efficiently by the doctors in the group. Bleeding stopped and he regained composure. We walked back to the ground and picked up his stuff.

I drove his car and dropped him home.

On the way back he was apprehensive that I may quarantine him. He was quite assertive that he would be running on Sunday.

Later on in the morning, as advised, he took a tetanus and it was ascertained that he did not have any fracture of his knees..which was my fear.

In the forenoon hours he ran a few meters around for the benefit of the photographer and reporter from  HT.

He is fine and will be there at the corrals on Sunday morning.

Cheers to SD.


Filed under: SD does 21 Tagged: P. Venkatraman, YouTooCanRun

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