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SD does 21 – Intro

This is a collection of a series of posts that were made on different dates, in various Internet fora, when a runner called SD was trained by me to run the Half Marathon of SCMM in Jan 2012.



For a long time I was debating, in my own mind, as to whether I should post this as a discussion. But today I found the time and the inclination to do it.

The story is about a person who will be called SD for the purposes of this thread and the reason why I decided to go ahead with this post was

1. While we draw inspiration from folks who run marathons back to back, every month, every week etc there is also a lot of inspiration to draw from SD and his determination.

2. To give confidence to the first timers /  newbies / lurkers that if SD can do it, so can you.

Some background first. SD is 68. Yes a clear 10 years older than our own BD. Till two years back  he was a couch potato which is when he had a cardiac incident. Surgery followed and he decided to leave his foodie habits behind and take up a healthy lifestyle, endorsing the fact that it is never too late to change for the better.

In Jan 2011 he dd the Dream Run. For the next year he set his goals higher, again proving that it is never too late to seek greater goals, and hopes to do the HM  in Jan 2012.

He has been asthmatic and epileptic since early years. His last epileptic incident was about 6 months back. He is under medication for cardiac, asthma and epilepsy.

SD runs his own business in interiors and builder. He has sites in Baroda and Ahmadabad which he visits every week. He drives his own car and is quite independent.  He is an extremely independent person and very determined by nature.

I will do a couple of ‘catch up’ posts so that I can condense his training so far and then go current.



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