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Vaseline on my nipples – 4

Vaseline on my nipples – 4 ( posted Jan 23, 2004 )


Hello once again,

Stretch your legs….everybody….really STRETCH your legs…

Amongst the group is Jamal, about 52 and pot bellied with a penchant for enjoying his two chota haziries every evening. Jamal’s legs are spread at an obtuse angle that would be make a Chinese Acrobat really proud.

Mine on the hand refuse of spread out….much like a pair of garden shears that have been unoiled and bought into use after a long winter.

At the end of the 15 minutes of stretching every muscle and tendon of your body is stretched and wringed. I am thinking of what we used to do with wet towels. It makes me sweat and leaves the muscles smarting. Ironically it is said to be part of the ‘cooling down’ phase.

I am told that within  a month or two…my tight muscles should start responding in much the same way, everyone else’s does.

Meanwhile as the newest entrant everyone has taken a supportive approach. Everyone wants to make sure that I do it well and do it right.

The entire morning bunch cheers me…..I am lucky.


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