One Stop Shop

for Everything in Running

Wishing you a Happy Diwali

We take pleasure in wishing every runner a Happy Diwali.

Diwali is a festival of lights / illumination and symbolically signifies the overthrow of evil by good. For us as runners this signifies the overthrow of our health impairments by acquisition of illuminating knowledge.

Loosing weight is a perpetual goal of all of us who lead largely urban sedentary lives. And, as in any festival, Diwali offers an abundant opportunity to pack in the calories. Running can be the legendary good in such a situation to over the evil of obesity.

In keeping with this idea let us wish you a happy Diwali as a runner can.

Runners and Diwali Sweets

Running promotes responsible feasting during Diwali

Best wishes for a Happy and calorically responsible Diwali.

Note..the above image is in full size and can be downloaded as  a desktop wall paper.

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