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Blade Runners Inspire Us

In a very heart warming gesture, The India Running Summit played host to the blade runners from Dakshin Rehab. Major DP Singh introduced each one of them and Mohana Gandhi explained the various aspects of their participation in the SCMM the next day. Though the event was a short one, it was probably the most energetic event of the day. All attendees gave them a standing ovation, in recognition of the fact that those who run with prosthetics leg are more laudable, then many of us who are bi-pedal. During the course of the event Mr Chintu Karia proprietor Sporting Tools also came forth and also presented a high quality of Oakely sunshades to Mr Mohana Gandhi of Dakshin Rehab. This gesture was appreciated by all. On behalf of India Running Summit will like to thank Mr Chintu Karia for this noble gesture.

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