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The India Running Summit – 2015 : Call for papers

Call for Scientific Papers on Running

YouTooCanRun is pleased to announce the second edition of The India Running Summit – 2015 and has pleasure in calling for scientific papers to be presented at the Summit.

YouTooCanRun is a social entrepreneurship wholly devoted to the cause of ‘Promoting Running for Good Health’. 

In a short span it is marked up considerable achievements. The India Running Summit is aimed to be a pan India Summit of runners.

For running to be promoted in India, it is necessary to develop a body of knowledge that is specific to our country and it’s environmental conditions and training needs. The Summit aims to provide a platform for presentation of papers on sports medicine, related to running.

A show reel of the earlier Summit is here

A Playlist of all the full length videos of the speakers of the last Summit can be viewed here

The 2015 edition of the Summit is scheduled to be held in Mumbai on Saturday, 17th Jan, 2015, one day before the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon.

If you, or anyone known to you, would like to present a paper at the Summit, then please send an abstract of the paper to

We are constituting a Scientific Advisory Board consisting of eminent members. The Scientific Advisory Board will shortlist the papers that will be ultimately presented at the Summit.

We look forward to your active participation.

About YouTooCanRun

YouTooCanRun is a social entreprenuership wholly devoted to the cause of “Promoting Running for Good Health”

P. Venkatraman

About the Author

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