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The India Running Newsletter Issue – 1

We have great pleasure in writing the first issue of The India Running Newsletter.

As running grows in our country, largely fueled by running events organised by running event organizers, it was felt imperative that there should be a newsletter of this nature to meet the following:

  1. To share important updates and happenings
  2. To share best practices
  3. To share tips, tricks and pitfalls
  4. Medical / Scientific findings.
  5. Race Directors corner
  6. Upcoming events

As of now we are keeping the format and the frequency of this newsletter flexible. We are open to suggestions from our readers.

Upcoming Events:

In this section we cover major upcoming events in the next three months from our running calendar. We recognize that we cannot list all the events, so the idea will be to list events that are major and significant

May 18th – TCS World 10K at Bangalore – This event is now heralded as
the world’s biggest 10K and attracts international elite

June 14th – The Inaugural edition of the Kashmir Half Marathon by
Rahul Verghese of Running and Living adds yet another
event to his long roster.

June 21st – The Shimla Ultra organised by keen runner Sanjay Mangla has
80K, 50K and 30K distances while offering discounted pricing to
local residents of Himachal Pradesh.

June 22nd – The Dream Runners Half Marathon at Chennai, practically heralds
the start of the running ‘season’ in India and is growing in size
every year. Registrations have commenced early this year and there
are possibilities that event registrations may be closed ahead of schedule.

June 29th – The 2nd edition of the Running and Living Monsoon Madness Half Marathon
in Aarey Mumbai should see it growing even bigger this year. One of the
few races organised in natural jungle inside the urban jungle that is Mumbai.

July 11th – The Mother India Marathon at Bulandshaher, Uttar Pradesh has 42K,
10K, 5K and a very interesting ‘Run for Dolphin’ 2K distances, but
strangely the ever popular 21K distance is missing.

To see the full calendar go over to:

Event Management:

During the registration process of a running event, a certain runner, after registration, had asked for a refund on his credit card payment. The payment gateway asked the event organizers for possible reasons and investigations commenced.

It was found that the runner had registered all correctly. The confirmatory email had been sent, delivered and opened by the runner as evidenced by the ‘transparent one pixel gif’ technology.

The runner was called up and he offered a very nebulous explanation as to why he had done this.

It was thus clear that the runner had, after receiving his confirmation email, sought to get a refund from his credit card company. And if this had not diligently tracked, the runner would have collected the bib, based on the confirmatory email and participated in the event as any other runner.

Do not let unscrupulous runners like this one take advantage of you.

Summer and Over-hydration

In the summer months, we do realize that we sweat a lot more and are thus prone to dehydration. But the message of having to drink adequate water can sometime lead to the other extreme and there have been cases of runners being over-hydrated.

Medically termed as Hypothermia, drinking in excess comes with its own dangers and can lead of hallucinations and even be fatal. This article in Runners World brings out the various aspect of over-hydration nicely.

Arvind Bharati of Runners for Life and Race Director for Bangalore Ultra brings out that it is not uncommon in India either

The guideline is to drink to thirst and not to exceed 600 to 800 ml per hour of running. Please make sure that this message goes out to runners in your next event.

Help us make this Newsletter Grow

This news letter came about from a strong desire to share all that we have been exposed to at YouTooCanRun and which we felt would benefit those in the business of running. The underlying purpose is to promote running for the good health of runners and the running community.

You can help us by

– Contributing to this newsletter by sharing whatever you feel is relevant.

– Forwarding this newsletter to those who you think might find it interesting.

If you are still with us, then thanks for the interest shown in this newsletter.
P. Venkatraman


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