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YouTooCanRun-Shares: S1EP10 Barefoot Running – Is it for me?

The following are the shownotes of the webinar.

Webinar Begins (00:00)

Introduction of the Panelist (00:48)
Rajat Malhotra
Thomas Bobby Philip

Question by P. Venkatraman to Thomas Bobby Philip – What made you to take up barefoot running? (2:25)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Thomas Bobby Philip – On getting motivated by someone to take up barefoot running? (4:45)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Rajat Malhotra on his story of barefoot running? (6:05)
Rajat Malhotra Answers,_Superathletes,_and_the_Greatest_Race_the_World_Has_Never_Seen

Question by P. Venkatraman to the Panelist – On Concerns of Running Barefoot? (9:15)
Panelist Answer

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – Gains of Running Barefoot Running? (16:26)
Panelist Answer

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – Earthing after barefoot run (23:54)
Panelist Answer

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – Bio diversity into bacterial microbiom because of barefoot running? (30:15)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers
Rajat Malhotra Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Thomas Bobby Philip – On his experience of Barefoot Running in the Boston Marathon? (35:25)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Rajat Malhotra – On his experience of running (40:10)
Rajat Malhotra Answers
Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – Advice to a new barefoot runner (49:00)
Rajat Malhotra Answers
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – Use on Minimals? (52:02)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – On Apps, book, websites for barefoot running? (55:35)
Rajat Malhotra Answers

Question by P. Venkatraman to Panelist – On Most memorable barefoot run? (1:01:48)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers
Rajat Malhotra Answers

Question by Ventakesan Krishnaswami – Is it advisable to run barefoot during this pandemic? (1:06:40)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers
Rajat Malhotra Answers

P.Venkatraman speaks about the Masks – Unmasked

Question by Rajendra Mathias – There is a kinetic chain involved when we are running… starting from shoulder to ankle ….aren’t there extra pressure on these joints when running barefoot ( specially knees). ……have you ever done a scanning of ur joints (1:09:05)
Rajat Malhotra Answers
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by M.P. Jain on Running barefoot on treadmill? (1:15:20)
Rajat Malhotra Answers

Question by Ananth kshirsagar – With so many benefits with barefoot running is not popular around the world? (1:16:45)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers
Rajat Malhotra Answers

Watch the Video on Running, Rains and Covid –

Question by Manohar Rodrigues – Would you advice taping in the initial period when one goes barefoot? (1:25:38)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by Parvez Virani – How do you manage Blisters? (1:26:48)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Rajat Malhotra speaks about the Coorg Marathon –

Question by John Daniels – Does your core and Glute activations get better with barefoot or minimalistic barefoot running? (1:36:10)
Panelist Answer

Question by Parvez Virani – How do you manage restroom issues while running barefoot? (1:43:58)
Panelist Answer

Question by Nishwath Hassan – Women running Barefoot? (1:45:30)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Question by Nagendra Mishra – On Running barefoot on hot road? (1:48:11)
Thomas Bobby Philip Answers

Here is an article on Thomas Bobby Philip transition to barefoot running. (1:49:28)

Question by Gopal Krishna – Running Barefoot on cement roads? (1:50:30)
Panelist Answer

Question by Parag Wadhone – Are minimalistic shoes the same as barefoot running? (1:54:07)

P.Venkatraman thanks the panelist (1:58:22)

Panelist shares their concluding comments. (1:59:15)

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