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It is easier to be a quality tester than to be a start-up founder

“Venkat, it is easier to be a auditor than to be an accountant”

Mr Ashwin Mehta – Circa 1978

Mr Ashwin Mehta was the partner of the Chartered Accountant firm where I had enrolled as an articled trainee. Green behind the ears, I was sitting with a page full of queries ( errors / deviations ) of the audit assignment that I had just completed.

I was getting my first lesson in being sympathetic to the person who executing and viewing life from the managerial / founder / entrepreneur perspective.

This ability to emphatise has been the key to my success all through my life.

This empathy forms the core of our ‘business’ at YouTooCanRun. We feel for the event organisers who take on the self inflicted pain of conducting a running event in order to evangelise running in their city. Our RACES offering to support running event organisers grew from my desire to work with them to make life a little easier, by drawing upon my BPO expertise of handling application forms.

It amazes me when I see posts in running forums that carry complaints / deviations without understanding the entire perspective of execution challenges.

It is easier to be a populist trade union leader than to be a entrepreneur, I think to myself. You just have to keep taking potshots at those in charge.

Do not get me wrong…feedback and complaints are most welcome. In fact in RACES we have incorporated an optional post event survey as part of all races that we handle. Runners and Event organisers must get the benefit of a structured response system, we feel, so that the experience improves over successive editions.

At The India Running Summit 2016, in the Event Organizers forum I presented a summary of such surveys that was an eye opener to those present.

“It is easier to be a quality tester than to be a start-up founder.”

Rephrasing Mr Ashwin Mehta in today’s context.

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About the Author
Team Manager at YouTooCanRun

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