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TIRS 2017 – Low Carbs High Fat – Demystified

When we had the opportunity to host Dr Philip Maffetone at Mumbai earlier this year, thanks to the kind courtesy of Hyderabad Runners, I got a first-hand opportunity to understand LCHF from its leading exponent.
Though one has read and tried to follow, LCHF there is nothing like spending time with the experts and understanding things up close.
I too followed it for some days with tremendous rigour and felt that there was much to say for its benefits.
But when we organised a speaker at the ADHM Expo in Delhi, the Sports Nutritionist went on with the mainstream protocol advice of following carb loading etc, which we all know well. A member of the audience, who was a strong proponent of LCHF then got into the act and started countering the speaker.
I felt that this debate needed a more conclusive session and I too wanted to hear both sides of the argument from someone who has more expertise in such matters.
Dr Patel Kadakia Kinita is an eminent sports nutritionist with an impeccable background. She has very willingly agreed to come and share both aspects of the debate and demystify the topic. She is also the author of the recently released book ‘The Athlete in You’ which has been well received.
The India Running Summit 2017 is in its fourth edition and presents curated content from leading experts. Held one day prior to SCMM the 2017 edition is scheduled to be held on Saturday 14th Jan at the upmarket location in Churchgate, Mumbai.

You can know more about the event and register here…/…/the-india-running-summit-2017/

You can know more about the speaker and her book here


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