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The India Running Newsletter Issue – 3

We have great pleasure in presenting the third issue of The India Running Newsletter.

Upcoming Events:

30th May, 2015 – Mirchi Neon Run in happening in Chennai and it is owned by the Entertainment Network India Ltd (ENIL), which is one of the subsidiaries of The Times Group. The race has two categories; 3Km Fun Run & 9.83Km Mirchi Run.

31st May, 2015 – Go heritage run, set amidst the lovely hills of Ooty. The Nilgiri Mountain Railway was granted UNESCO World Heritage Site and they welcome you to run across the hills and alongside this historic railway.

5th June, 2015 – Mirchi Neon Run in happening in Coimbatore and it is owned by the Entertainment Network India Ltd (ENIL), which is one of the subsidiaries of The Times Group. The race has two categories; 3Km Fun Run & 9.83Km Mirchi Run.

6th June, 2015 – Mirchi Neon Run in happening in Madurai and it is owned by the Entertainment Network India Ltd (ENIL), which is one of the subsidiaries of The Times Group. The race has two categories; 3Km Fun Run & 9.83Km Mirchi Run.

 7th June, 2015 – The Fastest 10K will be held at Dwarka in Delhi and the event is organised by HeyEvents.

7th June, 2015 – Puma Urban Stampede returns for another edition and this time they kick off the event in Pune. Organised by Runners for Life.

7th June, 2015 – The JnM 10k race will be held in Mumbai and is a time qualifier for the 2016 SCMM Half Marathon. Good opportunity for first timers.

14th June, 2015 – The Madathon that takes place in Chennai is powered by AIESEC and aims to raise awareness about a healthy living and staying fit.

14th June, 2015 -The Duathon 6K & 10K, Bangalore is organised by Life Is Calling Sports Management Pvt. Ltd. to encourage team building across teams with an informal sports backdrop.

28th June, 2015 – The 3rd Aarey Mumbai should see it growing even bigger this year. One of the few races organised in natural jungle inside the urban jungle that is Mumbai.

28th June, 2015 – Thump! Corporate Sports Challenge. Life Is Calling sports is back with its unique fitness, sports & wellness event in the IT hub of Bengaluru.

Social Media & Event Organizers


With the rise of social media it has become easy for every individual runner to post comments, freely and without any restrictions or moral compunctions. At YouTooCanRun we have seen several of our event organisers who have suffered at the hands of individual runners who have passed comments without knowing the full fact of the situation.

Let us illustrate a few examples to cite:

  • In a particular event late registrants were told to come for bib collections after 1:30 pm. Ignoring the SMS and the email that was sent out, they landed up at 10:30 and demanded bibs. The organisers explained the situation and made sure that the bibs were personally delivered at home to those who had turned up earlier then that they were expected to. This did not refrain the runners from going on social media and making an issue out of it.
  • In another race where runners were led on a wrong route due to inadvertence. The results had to be delayed in order to reconstruct the data. Runners lost no time in spewing comments on social media about the race organizers.

The above are just two illustrative and I am sure that as an event organizers there will be many many more. The issues that arise are as follows:

  1. As an event organizer what is your strategy in dealing with comments that are factually wrong or malafide in their nature. Of course if some mistakes have happened we should be honest enough to accept them and make amends. It is when comments are made without basis of actual knowledge or original intentions of the event organizers that need to be retorted, in such cases what would be your strategy?
  2. As an event organizer are you expected to monitor each and every social media forum, be it Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest or any variant, and protect your brand name.
  3. Do you have a post event survey? That can become the official feedback form so that all feedback is taken and rectified as necessary for the next year’s event.

Please write us know with your thoughts, we will summarize them and publish them.

THIS Is What That Extra Shoelace Hole Is Used For

how to use the extra shoe lace hole.

Have you ever wondered why there is an extra shoelace hole at the top of your shoe? Many running and hiking shoes have the extra hole and most people don’t ever use it. Instead, they skip threading the lace through the last top hole and tie them as usual. After watching this video you will now know why they are there and how to use them to your advantage.

The extra holes can be used to prevent blisters on your heels and stop your feet from cramming forward into the front of the shoe. When you tie laces using the “heel lock” or “lace lock” technique it creates more friction between the laces at the top of the shoe which are closest to your ankle. This serves to make and keep the heel/ankle area tight and snug in place without having to re-tighten your whole shoe. Even if you do not have the extra shoelace hole you can still use the method on the top hole instead.

Here is how to tie the “lace lock.” Begin by inserting the lace in backwards through the top hole so that you create a small loop on each side of the shoe. Cross your laces and insert them each into the loop on the opposite side then cinch them down. Be sure to go down and not up because cinching upwards will leave the loop hanging out and that is not good. By pulling down towards the shoe you end up creating a nice tight lock that will keep your shoe in place and snug. Finish by tying your shoe as you normally would and you’re good to go! (Courtesy: SunGazing)


Runners Automated Completed Engagement System

R.A.C.E.S was formed with a lot of thought and process. Understanding the challenges that the event organizers face from the backend was our major concern. Once we understood their needs, it got much more easier to create all the backend needs just under a single roof. You can have a look at the features of RACES:

Runners Automated Complete Engagement System - Features

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The underlying purpose is to promote running for the good health of runners and the running community

You can help us by

-contributing to this newsletter by sharing whatever you feel is relevant
-forwarding this newsletter to those who you think may find it interesting

If you are still with us, then thanks for the interest shown in this newsletter.

P. Venkatraman

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