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Why the Marathon Training Workshop?

Many may wonder what is the purpose of the workshop and where does this fit into the larger scheme of things.

Out of the 13-15K HMers and 3-5K FMers that turn up for the SCMM, hardly a fraction train under a good coach or as part of a running group.

Each year, there is a large %age of entrants who show up at the start line who have received very little training. Many of them often join one social networking group or the other of runners either on RFL or FB or elsewhere and ‘gain’ knowledge in bits and pieces from many who cross post articles from other sources.

Procam has also been trying to address this issue. Last year they had talks for runners to meet and ask questions.  The format of these events, being quite close to the race day are structured more as Q& A with little base level grounding in terms of training.

It was thus generally felt that one must have a training workshop that is structured in its content and timed so that it is at the start of the training season for the SCMM.

The workshop is at a beginner / intermediate level..a level not in terms of your running history, but in terms of your structured knowledge of training.

We are hoping that after the seminar each attendee will be able to understand the concepts and train himself / herself better, whether as part of a group or by themselves.


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