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On The India Running Summit 2014 – 2

Milind Soman is known to the lay public as a supermodel. Runners know him as someone who holds the Limca book of records title for running between Ahmedabad and Mumbai and also between Delhi and Mumbai.

More recently he has taken his passion of running the length and breadth of the country to the length and breadth of the country, by encouraging women to run for the cause of cancer thru the Pinkathon series in major metros.

Never satisfied with the ordinary, he recently organised the MegaPink series by conducting same day runs for women in 40 cities on the same day. Something unparalleled in the running annuls of India.

Naturally all these feats of running has given him deep insights into being a better runner and more importantly an injury free runner. His own experential learnings have led him to initially move to minimals and then to barefoot running.

In his session titled “My transition as a barefoot runner” he plans to share his own voyage of discovery. Blending a healthy mix of the personal and the scientific, the session promises to be very engaging.

To know more about the event:

To register for the event follow

And do give him a shout of encouragement as he runs the Full, the next day, barefoot.

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