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On The India Running Summit 2014 – 3

Running is a nascent sport in our country. For the sport to grow, we need a body of knowledge that is pertinent to our circumstances. Being in its infancy, there exists very little by way of local learnings.

YouTooCanRun believes that rectifying this situation is much needed.

Our Research article on “Running & Fitness Coaching in India” is an exercise in this direction.

Our earlier “Sweat Rate Study” was the first and largest study to determine the sweat rate of Indian runners.

Our comparison study of the nutritional aspects of “Sabja v/s Chia” threw interesting conclusions on the efficacy of our own seeds.

If we have to see more such studies, we need to have a national level platform.

The Summit, over the years, will seek to showcase the developing local body of knowledge on running. Knowledge that can be either original research based or experiential.

To know more about the event:

If you think that better knowledge can make you a better runner, register at

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