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From Sofa to 5K – Why Run 5K?

The “From Sofa to 5K” series of webinars is a weekly series that seeks to explore in greater depth each part of the book. It is not necessary for you to have the book to get value from this series, though the series is designed to complement the book.

If you attend the series live when it is ‘on the air’ you get the benefit of being able to ask questions directly. But should you miss the live event, you have not lost much. All webinars are posted on YouTube under our channel, YouTooCanRun with playlist ‘From Sofa to 5K’

Each Webinar will be of approx 30 minutes duration.

About 20 minutes will go towards the speaking part and 10 minutes will be Q&A.

Why Run 5K – Synopsis:

In a world where we are so busy with our jobs, family and other obligations, we often forget about our health. This webinar will explore:

– Why run?
– How does a sedentary life affects us?
– Why is standing better than sitting?
– What is the difference between walking, jogging and running?
– How a 5K run benefits us?

About the book ‘From Sofa to 5K’

The book seeks to make running easy and fun. Decoding the science of running and putting it in simple to understand terms, the book seeks to spread the fun of running to those who are sedentary. Written in a simple language, this is the only book you will need to start running.

 You can buy this book from here:

About the Author

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