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YouTooCanRun-Shares S1EP9: Six Yoga Poses that runners must know

Yoga is today well accepted as an essential cross functional training protocol for runners to stay well aligned and injury free resulting in superior performance.

Webinar Begins

Introduction of the panelist: (00:10)
Shammi Gupta
Harsha Pandey Bhantia

P.Venkatraman share the current update related to running

New Under Armour Sports Mask – (02:53)
The Great North Run getting canceled – (05:02)

P. Venkatraman speaks about Virtual Running Events. Here is a video for you where we share in-depth knowledge about Virtual Running Events (05:45)

What are the benefits of Yoga –

Poll on – Number of time, I do Yoga (12:53)
Once a week – 5
Twice a week – 6
Three or More times a week – 3
No, that why I am here – 5

Question by P. Venkartaman to the Panelist – On their view Yoga and Running?
Shammi Gupta Answers
Harsha Pandey Bhantia Answers

Shammi Gupta Pose 1 – Vajrasana shown with multiple variations (19:55) Details of Vajrasana

Harsha Pandey Bhantia Pose 2 – Ashwa Sanchalanasana shown with multiple variations (34:38) –

What is Hip Flexor – Image shown (36:00)

Ashwa Sanchalanasana with multiple variations (40:05)

P. Venkatraman shares his thoughts on the effects of Work From Home on Individuals. (50:40)

Shammi Gupta Pose 3 – Tadasana shown with multiple variations (51:25) Details of Tadasana

Question by Ashish Karwa – Can Yoga be done with wearing shoes or barefoot? (1:03:55)
P. Venkatraman Answers
Shammi Gupta Answers

Question – P.Venkatraman – Effects of wearing high heels? (1:04:30)
Shammi Gupta Answers
Harsha Pandey Bhantia Answers

Harsha Pandey Bhantia Pose 4 – Kapotasana – Pigeon Pose shown with multiple variations (1:08:55) –
P. Venkatraman speaks about the difference between prehab and rehab. Here is a video for your understanding. (1:19:00)

Shammi Gupta Pose 5 – Baddha Koṇāsana shown with multiple variations (1:19:50) – Details of Baddha Konasana

Harsha Pandey Bhantia Pose 6 – Mandukasana – frog stretch shown with multiple variations – (1:31:25)

Harsha Pandey Bhantia performs the 3 dimensional hip stretch inflow (1:36:45)

Question by Satish Gujaran – On Post-run stretches? (1:42:35)
Shammi Gupta Answers
Harsha Pandey Bhantia Answers

Poll on – Yoga is more beneficial for? (1:48:00)
Flexibility – 12
Injury Free – 11
Performance – 8
Enhanced Recovery – 8

Anil Panchal comments about YouTooCanRun Celebration Lounge Video? (1:55:50) For those who want to know what Celebration Lounge is. Watch the Video –

Your Opinion Matters, share your views regarding running by filling the – India Running Survey. Amazing Goodies await you –

Check your eligibility for the YouTooCanRun Athlete Id card –

Racemart -The smarter way to choose your race. Rate your running event now –

Panelist share their concluding remarks (1:56:55)
Shammi Gupta
Harsha Pandey Bhantia

P.Venkatraman thanks the Panelist. (2:00:17)

Webinar Closes (2:00:26)

About the Author

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One comment on “YouTooCanRun-Shares S1EP9: Six Yoga Poses that runners must know

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