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Trainers Log Book – Informed Consent

In this webinar of ‘Trainers Log Book’ P. Venkatraman talks about one of the most important part of training, “Informed Consent”.

Below mentioned are the different components of an ‘Informed consent’:

  • You are told (or get information in some way) about the possible risks and benefits of the training.
  • Purpose and explanation of the procedure.
  • You have the chance to ask questions and get them answered to your satisfaction.
  • You have had time (if needed) to discuss it with the family or advisors.
  • You are able to use the information to make a decision that you think is in your own best interest.
  • You share your decision with your trainer or training group.


About The Book:
The Trainer’s Log Book is an essential tool that should be in the kit bag of every trainer. Developed by YouTooCanRun and endorsed by Dr Aashish Contractor, it captures the essence of best recommended international practices in term of exercise science.

Designed to meet the needs for documenting training progress of the trainee for a full year, it encompasses the entire gamut of monitoring the progress to good health.

Buy The Book: <Trainers Log Book>

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