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Log Book – Notes to Trainers

The Trainers Log Book is designed to maintain all the important details of the trainee in a concise and a compact format. The Log Book helps recording the training progress, the eating habits and the assessment details of the trainee.

About the webinar:

This webinar covers in depth details of the notes which every trainers needs to know. These notes aim to help the trainers to understand how to use the Log Book.

The Log Book comprises of five important components; Informed Consent, Initial Screening, Fitness Evaluation, Ongoing Assessments and Food Log. The notes give an overview of these components and how to fill the details in each of the component.

About the book:

The Trainers Log Book is an essential tool that should be in the kit bag of every trainer. Developed by YouTooCanRun and endorsed by Dr Aashish Contractor, it captures the essence of best recommended international practices in term of exercise science.

Designed to meet the needs for documenting training progress of the trainee for a full year, it encompasses the entire gamut of monitoring the progress to good health.

This book is definitely what a trainer needs for maintaining the training records of his trainee.

To buy the book visit:

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