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From Sofa to 5K – Thinking Of Running

Every thing be it big or little starts with a thought. The is the 1st stage in any aspect of your life; taking a vacation, learning a new language or smallest of things like going out for a dinner, everything happens only if we think about it.

Similarly someone decides to take up running, like any other thing even this started with a thought. People have started running for various reasons; to lose weight, to get fit, to strike it off their bucket list or they have been recommended by their doctors to start running to avoid severe risks. Though about according to studies about 60-70 % people take up running to lose weight.

Whatever the reason that made you think, you should start running, The thought itself is commendable. They say “A journey of a thousand miles start with a thought.” So if you want to get fit, or lose weight, first thing you need to do is think about running. This is the 1st stage in the evaluation of life of a runner.

Congratulations for completing the 1st stage of running, a very difficult stage. Now that you have decided to start running you should get our handbook ‘From Sofa to 5K’ which is a complete guide for a beginner to start running for good health.

About the book:
The book seeks to make running easy and fun. Decoding the science of running and putting it in simple to understand terms, the book seeks to spread the fun of running to those who are sedentary. Written in a simple language, this is the only book you will need to start running.

To buy the book: <Click Here>

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