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YouTooCanRun newsletter for runners


The YouTooCanRun Newsletter 
We have the pleasure in sending you our newsletter, where we share insights on everything running. We share news, tips, tricks, best practices as well as trivia on running, training and nutrition along with a sneak peek into some of our events as well as runner stories that are now an inspiration to beginners.

The couch surfer who made the NYC Marathon Podium
Who is Girma Bekele Gebre? It became the question of the day at the New York City Marathon, when the guy few had heard of, the one wearing an off-the-rack singlet rather than one from a fancy sponsor, claimed third place in the world’s biggest marathon. Read More.
How Strides can help you run faster 
Whether it’s your first timed race or a personal best you want to achieve, when you want to pick up your pace in the last stretch on your race, Strides could be your answer. Read More
Athlete ID Card  
YouTooCanRun Athlete ID Card, a Runners Loyalty Program, is your voice when you can’t speak.
·       Contains Vital Medical Information.
·       Added Privileges at Race Events
·       Speeds-Up your Race Registration
·       Free After 3 Races.

Cardiac Risk Score
Health Records have revealed that runners who have had a heart attack were also more likely to have had underlying heart conditions. YouTooCanRun’s Cardiac Risk Score is an internationally recognised tool, to determine and indicate your risk for a cardiac event. Assess Risk Now
8 Extremely useful Running Tips for beginners
From starting with short running intervals, not running too fast, allowing your body to recover to choosing a surface & more, beginners can check out these 8 extremely useful tips to start running. Read More
YouTooCanRun Celebration Lounge 
For Athlete ID Card members running the TMM  on 19th January 2020
Cross the finish line and reward yourself with a speedy recovery at the YouTooCanRun Celebration Lounge. On registration, Athlete ID Card members get access to the YouTooCanRun Celebration Lounge at the 2020 TMM & select events.
Celebrate. De-stress and Unwind with foam roller massages, ice bath and healthy snacks. Watch Video


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